An elegant bouquet of 20 tall, red gladioli is a gift that will look amazing in any interior. These high-quality locally sourced flowers are a surprise that will delight not only with freshness and beauty, but also with a good price.
Surprise someone with unique, red gladioli, and enjoy free and stress-free delivery. We will deliver your red gladioli bouquet by courier to any address in Poland - with a Track & Trace code for a peace of mind. Fresh, fresher, the freshest - your gladioli will be sent right after being cut, in a safe, specially designed box, adding an element of a pleasant surprise and creating a nice unboxing experience.
- Includes a free message card. Does not include a vase
- Supersize your surprise, by adding extras such as a teddy bear or chocolates
Type of flowers: gladioli
Colour: red
Bouquet size: medium (20 flowers)
Packaging: cardboard box
Delivery: free, by courier, with a Track & Trace code provided by e-mail