Cooperation with florists

The company Euroflorist started delivering flowers in Sweden in 1982 and today is the most dynamically developing network of florists in Europe - more than 9,000 associated flower shops. EuroFlorist currently operates in 10 countries - Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Germany, Norway, Sweden and Poland.
Benefits for florists

We know that each florist is different, that is why the most important thing for us is an individual approach and matching the needs of the partner. We value independence and we want to work independently with Euroflorist florist. We want the florist to feel the benefits of joining Euroflorist from the very beginning. We have made it easy to start cooperation, the fees are low, the commission on orders is high, and the range of products is very wide. Thanks to this you can build an advantage over the competition!
Cooperation with Euroflorist guarantees:
    * Increase your florist's revenue
    * Expanding the range of services provided
    * Access to sales support materials
    * Access to modern customer service techniques
    * Help in building positive relations between the florist and the client
    * Building an advantage over the competition

Join the largest network of florists in Europe! Call Euroflorist or fill out the application form! The information contained in the form will be used only for the purpose of cooperation. After sending the form, our representative will contact you.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us:
e-mail: [email protected]

// Forces channel selection