How to wish a speedy recovery to a sick loved one, friend, or coworker? Examples of ready get well wishes in Polish and English.
Read More...A comprehensive list of the most important phrases & most beautiful Mother's Day wishes in Polish - with English translations.
A list of beautiful wishes for your Polish mom or mother-in-law.
When is Mother's Day in Poland? How is Mother's Day celebrated in Poland? 10 Questions about Mother's Day in Poland.
Read more...How to say Happy Easter in Polish? Here are some great example of religious, nonreligious and corporate Easter wishes in Polish (with English translations). Short, yet beautiful, perfect to be sent in a text message or a flower bouquet card.
Read More...How to say "Happy Women's Day" in Polish?
What are some beautiful Women's Day wishes for friends, wives, colleagues, mothers or activists? Get inspired with our list of short and elegant Women's Day wishes with English translations.
Not sure how to express your feelings in Polish?
We got you! Check our list of over 50 beautiful examples of love quotes, wishes and messages for your Polish girlfriend, boyfriend, spouse or friend.
What does 1 5, 7 or 108 red roses symbolize?
How many roses symbolize an apology, and how many reciprocated love? What number and color of roses to avoid in Valentine's Day bouquets?
Here's everything you need to know about the importance of rose colors and numbers in a bouquet.
Which gifts & flowers to send to your loved one and how to celebrate the 14th of February in Poland? Here's all you need to know about how Valentine's Day (Walentynki) is celebrated in Poland.
Read More...When is Grandmother's & Grandfather's Day 2024 in Poland?
How do Polish grandchildren celebrate Grandparents' Day?
A list of ready to use Polish Christmas & New Year wishes - with English translations.
The loveliest "Merry Christmas" wishes for your friends, family & business partners in Poland.
What to wish someone on their name day?
List of ready-made, short and original name day wishes in Polish with English translations.
Polish name days – what, when, how? 10 questions about the tradition of Polish "imieniny".
Read More...How to express condolences in Polish? Check out our list of 50+ beautiful Polish condolences with English translations.
Read More...What to write on a funeral sash - in Polish? When words don't come easily, here are some beautiful texts of funeral sashes you could send to Poland.
Read More...What exactly is a grave care/tending service, what does it include, and how much does it cost in Poland?
Compare packages and choose the best cleaning + decorating grave care for your loved ones' tombstones in Poland
How to make a diy rustic autumn wreath to put on your door - step by step. Make this beautiful garland with eucalyptus & blue thistle.
Read More...Just like we, with the arrival of autumn, change colorful summer dresses for warm sweaters and trench coats, nature also completely changes its outfit. It is worth emphasizing the uniqueness of this beautiful season by inviting fall floral arrangements and decorations to our homes and offices...
Read More...The symbol of autumn - a pumpkin. Would you like to decorate your home with pumpkins and flowers? Here are three lovely ideas on how to use a pumpkin in floral arrangements.
Read More...Autumn bouquets are magical. They put us in a nostalgic mood, soothe us, and at the same time warm us up with beautiful fall colors. By organizing a special scenic photo session of autumn bestsellers in Poznań, Poland, we wanted not only to show their beauty, but also to ignite a passion for fall autumn bouquets. Check it out!...
Read More...Are you looking for an interesting diy craft idea for fall or Halloween? Here's an interesting idea for easy-to-make sweet paper pumpkins filled with candy.
How to wish someone Happy Birthday in Polish?
Get inspired with our list of 100+ ready-made, short and original birthday wishes, messages & quotes in Polish - with English translations.
Amazing results of the Ukrainian refugees' charity action "A Bouquet that helps" by Euroflorist and the Polish Red Cross.